Dec 26, 2010

Dec 2, 2010


FIRSTLY, This is the cool concept of ""colourful things"" that you can experience. O-kay here goes, this vibe is like a cool slacker vibe. To cliarify, I think I will do the Experience/Dissertation/Presentation starting from a concept which I will break down at the end, but it revolves around the idea of SLACKNESS VS. CULTURE which is an article title and is about Dancehall music lyrics and how the slackness is about women/drugs/guns and the culture is rasta/the government/freedom etc.

The vibe has a fairly obvious early-90s one, which you will see.... obviously... but i like it. Major influences would be Nike ACG, humidity, sweating (obvious link to humidity), shorts, saltwater, searing heat, really loud music, appropriating seriousness/serious things for idiocy and stupid purposes

NOTE ---- The post and all the subsequent posts, will be broken down by Video - Audio - Pictorial, so that you, the reader, can go from the most full-on experience, to initiate you to the idea, to the less-full-on-experience, for once you probably have a handle on things.



De Beginning of Summer is a good time to consider the options for the months ahead. The past few days' rain is v/ good for sitting in your house and thinking or going outside and having to wear waterproof-ish shoes and shorts. I thought to myself, "Why don't you try and show some of the people on the internet what you think about?" I then thought to myself, "That sounds like you want to start a tumblr blog, ostensibly a '' VISUAL DIARY ''" Then i thought, "Jesus Christ, shit, what if you are..?????" Then I thought of the blogerinos which I like and that post a lot of image-heavy content and I thought, "okay brus, just go ahead and do what you want, isn't that the whole point of the internet".

SO, widout further adeu - SUMMER SERIES BY THEO LANDON.

PS Other reasons include I got uni marks/passed everything so things are looking on the upNup.